Customer Experience Trends CMOs Need To Harness

Customer experience is on top of every CMO’s list of priorities going into 2022. As businesses and their marketing leadership continue to struggle through a global pandemic, attracting and retaining loyal customers is more important than ever – however, this can only be done by truly understanding customer preferences.

The scientific term ‘hysteresis’ that refers to the fact that social systems tend to change permanently after an external shock, such as the pandemic. It suggests that changes may initially have been seen as temporary but now there is no going back to how things were, for example for example masks wearing. In enterprise, the hysteresis factor has been the remote working culture. Brands now need to change their mind-set and leverage these key trends to help them improve their offering, rather than just waiting for a return to normal.

Also Read: Reinvent the Customer Experience with a Local Social Strategy

Encouraging ‘Artificial Serendipity’

new research by the University of Sydney, University of Florida and Rutgers University highlights how important the act of actually ‘finding’ a product is in customer experience, however, highlighting how ‘serendipity’ or (seemingly) random discovery of new products plays a huge role when it comes to customer satisfaction.

In today’s data-driven advertising, customers have access to a sea of ​​information about products. Companies have invested a lot of time, money and effort in organizing customer information to the point where it sounds like the magic of getting something unexpected is a thing of the past.

Everything as a service

An important place for brands to create a deep sense of loyalty and participation in people’s lives is to look beyond the usual ‘customer journey’ to see how they can add more value to the ‘health journey’ of each consumer.

One of the key factors in driving this is the ever-increasing amount of data generated by the internet of things, as the “Everything-as-Service” trend will continue to transform customer-product relationships by 2022.

Embrace Metaverse commerce

The emergence of Metaverse in our popular recognition has become one of the biggest business stories of 2021, with major companies around the world announcing new things in this space. While the Virtual Reality technology that underpins this practice obviously needs to continue to evolve before it becomes ubiquitous – not least because of the cost and quality of UX -, companies need to start thinking about their strategy for integrating trading and marketing within the metaverse now.

Since many aspects of metaverse are still difficult to predict, companies need to understand the power and challenges of the metaverse, in order to effectively use it as a business tool.

Also Read: Top Four Marketing Software Trends to Watch in 2022

Promote shared interest

A constant objective of CX strategies is about how to make customers more loyal. To really make a step change, a CMO needs to flip their view on this entirely. It is forecasted that in 2022, there would be a move towards shared interest between brands and their customers. Companies need to reassess their loyalty systems to create a positive sum game, so when a brand does well, the company shareholders, employees and customers – all benefit.

With more and more companies rewarding their customers who act as true brand ambassadors, the evolution of this trend will be fascinating to see in 2022. One of the most interesting possibilities for NFTs is in the economics of signalling, which may initiate true paradigm flexibility on customer loyalty.

Customer performance will continue to be a hot topic until 2022, no doubt. One thing that is even clearer is that the companies that are waiting for consumers to return to normal behaviour since 2019 need to change their thinking and start planning how they will use the important CX trends and not look at them as passing gimmicks or fashions. They can certainly use new improved CX trends to improve their delivery – because survival will be a challenge if they do not.

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