COVID-19 Crisis Leading B2B Marketers to Reevaluate Content

COVID-19 Crisis Leading B2B Marketers to Reevaluate Content

B2B brands are striving to keep up with their target audience amid the COVID-19 pandemic – many are twisting their content strategies

The groundwork for B2B content marketing is mostly about experimenting with new strategies. Lately, B2B market leaders are facing criticality amid the COVID-19 crisis as it is creating a lot of uncertainties – for both businesses and people.

Content Marketing is the Key Element in the Sales Enablement Journey

Generally, marketers utilize the content topics that grab customer attention quickly, and today it is Coronavirus. In times of crisis, people value content that makes sense and gives confidence against the disruptions happening around them. Although, most marketers avoid inadvertently putting up their brand as it would appear to profit directly from the vulnerabilities during any sensitive phase. Thus, it is vital to understand audiences cannot be fooled now with just “here for you” ads.

The internet is already full of COVID-19 content – it is now making it really hard for marketers to capture audience attention, even with a unique perspective. Experts suggest brands should implement and experiment with content that customers’ value – to hold themselves up in the game. According to Gartner, the majority of organizations globally are facing some levels of business disruption due to COVID-19. And digging deep into the current crisis, it has worsened long-term uncertainty, impactingB2B decision making. There has been a dramatic shift in consumer behavior, and lifestyle as the world is in quarantine! Thus companies are rethinking their marketing and content strategies to keep up and running in the time of crisis.

Another Gartner research from 2019 revealed that the majority of critical B2B solutions purchases are done in the context of organizational change, including market environment, business operations, or organizational structure. Brands can use content to aid in many ways, like –

  • Assisting the customers to navigate through doubts more confidently –

Focussing on the purposes that are relevant to your business expertise and providing a unique POV – which may make them align and become a prospect.

  • Prioritizing customer listening –

COVID-19 and its related information are evolving daily, and thus, it’s vital to listen to what the customers have to say – by monitoring different social media platforms of the target audience.

  • Deploying agile content marketing plans –

Brands must look for agile to carry out quick wins – by collaborating with internal SMEs, conducting one-off webinars, or polling on the available social media channels.

  • Launching content and understanding across channels –

After creating content, posting it on the company website, and promoting on social media pages will help. In essence, many enterprises are featuring COVID-19 resources on their home page to continue lead generation objectives.

With the ground reality concerning the Coronavirus pandemic, the economic market is touching an all-time low, and the internet is flooded with information and misinformation. B2B brands can still differentiate themselves and cut the saturation point – by staying focused on the right marketing mix and deployment of the right content.