Content Intelligence – The Next-Gen of Dynamic Content Marketing

    Content marketing, NLP, AI, MarTech, Marketing strategy, Big Data, Artificial intelligence, ML, Marketing
    Content Intelligence – The Next-Gen of Dynamic Content Marketing

    Content intelligence could be the next significant movement in the digital era’s marketing – with a focus on maximizing the returns

    Consumer behavior is continuously evolving. Today’s best content marketing strategy might not work well tomorrow. And, no matter how much effort you put into a particular marketing strategy, it will not be sustainable for long – considering the current uncertainties. Content intelligence is one of the principal tactics for efficient marketing in this era. Many businesses around the world have already been using and benefiting from it.

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    Today, there are different content intelligence tools available to use. Many tools have worked well in technology and content marketing for many more prominent brands. Simply put, these are the fundamentals of active content intelligence and are integrated with artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and big data – to form successful marketing strategies. The tools can actively aid marketers – to suggest relevant topics, glorifying headlines and subjects, and formulating the content.

    Content intelligence is still a lesser-known technology to many. The platforms for the same consist of tools – for every stage of product life cycle and marketing, including brief building to CTA personalization. Besides the web, today, a large number of voice assistants and smart speakers use anonymized customer data to enhance understanding. Undoubtedly, it works – the relevant ads that pop up in social media feeds.

    The cookies track people’s online browsing movements to sustain profiles. Brands take advantage of lead scoring to filter out such big data to focus on which image, ad, or story – is most likely to attract and engage customers at an individual level. And surprisingly, it reduces their marketing spends while maximizing the return!

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    Clearly, the power of content intelligence lies in its purpose – dodging the biases of the marketing ecosystem in favor of factual evidence. However, businesses shouldn’t dehumanize totally in their functionalities because artificial intelligence and human intelligence go hand-in-hand. The technology that supports successful content intelligence will any day require human oversight.

    Marketers need to keep a constant watch of how the audience’s behavior is changing and how. Contents in marketing strategy need to be tweaked often in order to keep the interest on. Regular scanning is vital to understand if the content is still relevant – to the market, consumers, or the brand itself. Even with the proven marketing strategies, it is an on-going process – the evolving consumer persona is always tricky!

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    Sudipta Choudhury
    Marketing professional with experience in B2B and MR industry. Skilled in Marketing, Strategy Making, Copywriting and Content Creation, Sales, and SEO with excellent Communication Efficiency. Holding dual master's degree focused on Marketing from IBS, Pune and ICFAI University.