Content Experience Platforms – An Emerging Trend

    Marketers, content management platform, content management system, digital, content experience platform, CMS, CXP, customers, digital, A/B testing,

    The global web content management market is undergoing a sea change in the digital age, making it essential for marketers to use content in a real sense to engage customers.

    Factors like machine learning and cloud computing have drawn a significant change in content management. The global web content management market is set to reach $14.2 billion globally by 2024, a report by Zion Market Research has found. A marketer’s aim is not merely restricted to reach an audience, but also to allow an individual experience that leads to a deeper connection. This is where content experience platforms (CXP) steps in.

    Earlier, content management systems (CMS) offered end-to-end integrated software suites to manage and publish static content, mostly to websites. However, in the speedily evolving digital age,   marketers have to use the content as a tool to engage customers. It is no longer possible for them to individualize audiences and to create an experience using a single software product suite.

    New and various types of vendors and solutions are surfacing in an array of fields such as content analytics, static site generation, A/B testing, digital asset management, SEO optimization, or AI-powered translations.

    An ideal platform is the one that offers solutions from each of these categories and assembles your diverse tools into a manageable content stack with a seamless experience for the users. Content marketers have increased spending on content creation by 56% since 2018, found CMI research. Marketers require a platform that enables them to plug in individual components designed for specific purposes. Moreover, they should have the flexibility to revise their choices. With CXPs, marketers can create rich, individualized content-driven experiences.

    The marketing world is considering CXPs as the preferred means of managing content. They put marketers back in control, enabling them to efficiently get their message across their customers and gain unprecedented insights. With a CXP, marketers can stop overburdening developers with trivial tasks, and instead, collaborate with their IT department on strategic digital initiatives that are important for the business.

    A content experience platform considers how people consume and interact with content. It’s how marketers deliver and recommend content in more meaningful ways from the first touch to the sale and beyond.

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    Sneha Bokil
    Sneha Bokil is a Senior Editor with Ondot Media. She writes editorials on an array of topics ranging from IoT, AI, ML, and cloud computing, among others. She has over 9 years of experience in the field of content creation, where she has written on technology, both enterprise and consumer, and finance.