Content Agility Is striving to Meet Market Needs While Scaling CX

    Content Agility Is striving to Meet Market Needs While Scaling CX

    Marketers across industries will need to ensure their content engages existing customers and converts the prospects.

    Most marketers prefer content agility to optimize the end-to-end process of delivering customer experiences at scale. Increased agility is essential in order to remove technical bottlenecks that are associated with the delivery and focus on the experience part.

    Given the current scenario, brands are highly focused on utilizing online tools in order to build and maintain connections with potential customers. And this way, marketers have been observing significant growth lately.

    A recent study by Wunderman Thompson reveals that almost 74% of businesses have augmented their digital marketing investment amid the pandemic. In fact, nearly 76% of marketers indicated that online offerings defended their business.

    Also Read: The Significance of Content Agility for B2B Brands

    Indeed, such trends are here to stay and will become a standard process as we advance. When it comes to online marketing strategies, adaptable content is superior – it can be structured and planned to create augmented personalized experiences.

    In an era where marketers persistently pivot their business model, they need to surface innovative products and get to market quickly. It is combined with relevant offers – having an agile content approach in place is vital to accomplishing this.

    At present, content agility can get several things right – from readily available appropriate tools and technologies to developing an excellent author experience. It will help the content developers and agencies to deliver and update online experiences faster.

    Basically, the global pandemic has increased brand expectations, and they are now expected to deliver a consistent, personal, and seamless customer experience spanning different channels. Hence, marketing specialists are expected to push out more number of content pieces and respond faster. This will help in advancing and personalizing such experiences.

    Undoubtedly, it can seem daunting for many marketers to identify the precise tools to support them in their quest and provide relevant, timely content to the target audience. In fact, there are a number of benefits, and it may not be clear which are required to help establish new best practices and improve agility.

    According to the industry experts, marketing leaders need to consider context while adding new tools. With the marketing landscape shifting away from the traditional offline territory, the remaining organizations would require to get to market swiftly with online offerings.

    Also Read: Maintaining Trust and Agility amidst Changing Expectations

    Once companies get the right technology, marketers will need to ensure that their team is qualified enough to use it in the right way. This will facilitate in driving revenue and building brand equity. Effective digital enablement manages communication and up-skilling to deliver business value via a digital platform.

    The benefits that any brand will derive from delivering the right and timely experiences are obvious to understand. Therefore, marketers need to ensure their content engages existing customers and converts the prospects. Any organization will need to get data, technology, people, and processes working together to ensure they are fully agile to react quickly to change.

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    Sudipta Choudhury
    Marketing professional with experience in B2B and MR industry. Skilled in Marketing, Strategy Making, Copywriting and Content Creation, Sales, and SEO with excellent Communication Efficiency. Holding dual master's degree focused on Marketing from IBS, Pune and ICFAI University.