CMOs Need to Rethink About their Content Syndication Strategy

    CMOs Need to Rethink About their Content Syndication Strategy-01

    With the shift of buying habits of today’s customers, CMOs should leverage and promote content syndication that is connected, agile and precise to the entire funnel.

    The shift towards a completely digital environment has empowered B2B buyers to effectively leverage the digital-first approach. Their strategies involve extensive research done on their own time and via preferred digital channels. However, at the same time, they are also experiencing a more complicated buyer journey, along with the surge in touch points and larger buying committees. In fact, as per Gartner’s “Win More B2B Sales Deals,” 77 percent of B2B Buyers stated that their recent purchase was either “difficult” or “very complex”. But the situation only gets worse. According to the “State of Marketing Maturity” 2021 report, from Integrate and Heinz, 60% of the B2B marketers believe that their marketing strategy, team structure and technology are not effective enough to support their marketing team goals.

    This statistics highlights that today’s marketplace is driven by buyers and therefore, B2B marketers will need to evolve. They should adopt a buyer-driven approach such as content syndication that is connected, agile, and precise to the entire funnel.

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    B2B Marketing leaders have historically suffered from proving the ROI from content syndication even though they have invested a significant amount of time and money. The common issues that they often struggle with are poor data quality, disparate and complex systems, and can be difficult to scale at times. However, with a proven third-party publisher execution as well as a robust strategy, content syndication can empower B2B marketers to attract the right audience.

    Here are four ways that can help B2B marketers with content syndication strategies to become more effective, streamlined and scalable:

    1)      Eliminate poor lead data

    Data has proven to be one of the biggest barriers for today’s B2B marketers while connecting with their buyers. Most of today’s B2B marketers find it challenging to capture, update and maintain clean data, thus effectively putting their relationships with sales and leadership at risk.

    Additionally, executing high-volume lead generation campaigns when there is no standard system or process in place results in a surge in bad leads that consume the significant time of marketing ops, resulting in a delay in lead delivery to sales and poor lead quality. Hence, marketers should institute data and prioritization efforts to keep the data clean as well as ready for actionable purposes. They should prioritize sales enabled and buy-in, optimize expenditures and capitalize on the latest tools that reject bad leads that focus on balancing early funnel leads with sales.

    2)   Choose precisely

    To target the right audience with precision, marketers should have good data quality. B2B marketers even need to be more precise in today’s buyer-driven precision demand marketing world while sharpening in on buyer persona. They should identify tools that will allow them to target with precision while ensuring they only pay for the leads to make sense for their content syndication campaigns. Additionally, marketers should leverage buyer and intent signals to know and understand their customers and their pain points while they create a targeted buyer experience.

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    3)   Break down silos

    Most marketers do not have a better way to manage campaigns across various sources, publishers and channels. They find it difficult to get the required benefits while operating in silos as well as stop manually managing an increased number of disconnected channels. To deal with it, B2B marketers should concentrate on a multichannel view of exactly where and when prospects are engaging and then identify what sources yield the best results. They should connect those channels to deliver high-quality customer experiences that drive revenue. For gaining true insights into the performance of the campaigns, marketers should centralize demand performance, optimize spend and compare results.

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