Building Customer Loyalty with Personalized 1:1 Experiences

    Building Customer Loyalty with Personalized 1:1 Experiences

    Many brands are still trying to build customer loyalty based on transactions alone. However, the businesses that are most successful at fostering brand loyalty understand that personalized engagement beyond the purchase is the key to bringing customers back again and again.

    The bulk of client retention and loyalty programs are essentially transactional in nature. The majority of retention programs are transactional, and they only reward customers who buy a product or service. This strategy isn’t necessarily incorrect – it’s understandable that if someone gets rewarded for an action, they’ll repeat it, and companies have therefore reinforced the behaviour.

    However, this loyalty-building strategy is a little Pavlovian. It’s good to be rewarded for a purchase, but if businesses want to establish long-term loyalty, they need to think about how they can keep people engaged after they have made the purchase. Furthermore, “loyalty” does not have to imply participation in a program. Customers who aren’t part of a brand’s program may be extremely loyal. They may, on the other hand, have program members who aren’t committed clients.

    The goal is to provide all consumers with consistent, relevant 1:1 personalized experiences in order to motivate them to return time and time again.

    Also Read: Creating an Engaged and Loyal Customer Base with NLG, Optimization and Deep Learning

    Connecting Beyond the Purchase

    If brands want to attract the type of client who makes more purchases, more frequently, and at greater prices, they must think about the brand more regularly than once a year or so.

    This is when targeted, relevant communications come in handy. Reaching out to customers with generic and repetitive messaging about upcoming deals or events will only resonate with the most sale-attuned customers. A personalized offer or message, however, gives marketers a cause to connect with customers and is more likely to drive engagement.

    Beyond the purchase, businesses have numerous possibilities to communicate with customers. It will be more relevant if they make it more individualized. Customers will feel valued and understood as a result, leading to increased brand engagement and loyalty.

    It’s easy to believe in the value of personalization and post-purchase engagement methods as a marketer. But, what does that mean in practise?

    Even without a program, companies can retain customers and turn them into loyal clients. It all boils down to how they interact with their clients. So, here are a few retention and loyalty strategies that businesses can employ:

    Post-Purchase Cross-Sell Campaign

    A post-purchase cross-sell campaign can persuade a possibly one-and-done customer to continue their journey with a brand. They can provide a customized product recommendation in response to a customer’s purchase. This can entice customers to make a second purchase and, more significantly, boost customer lifetime value.

    New in Stock items

    People are drawn to novelty, and buyers can’t help but desire the latest and greatest. It’s a good idea to notify customers about new-in-stock items that they might be interested in. But, not every new-in-stock item will be relevant; therefore businesses will need to customize this based on their purchase or browsing history.

    Also Read: Role of Lifecycle Marketing in Boosting Sale  

    Post-Purchase Feedback

    Building long-term customer relationships necessitates two-way communication; therefore it’s critical to give customers a chance to be heard. A post-purchase review campaign is a terrific approach to keep customers engaged after they have made a purchase. It also helps companies in gauging customer satisfaction and encouraging repeat purchases.

    Every company wishes to increase the number of loyal clients. However, loyalty cannot be developed just on the basis of transactions. A loyal consumer is in it for the long haul, thus their entire experience with the business must be taken into account. Every touchpoint is an opportunity to establish rapport and strengthen a bond that will lead to a long-term partnership.

    However, in order for these relationships to be worthwhile, they must be relevant and meaningful. The key to interacting with customers beyond the transaction, drawing them back again and again, and gaining their loyalty is to use an omnichannel customer engagement platform that allows them to deliver consistent, tailored 1:1 experiences across all channels.

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    Prangya Pandab
    Prangya Pandab is an Associate Editor with OnDot Media. She is a seasoned journalist with almost seven years of experience in the business news sector. Before joining ODM, she was a journalist with CNBC-TV18 for four years. She also had a brief stint with an infrastructure finance company working for their communications and branding vertical.