Brands Should Adopt a Radical Approach Towards Marketing Innovation

Keeping up with today’s B2B marketers is not feasible if the brands are only taking bare minimum initiatives towards innovation in marketing.

It is an understatement to say that COVID-19 has changed B2B marketing. Its onset has forced organizations to not only change their approach towards B2B marketing but has fundamentally changed the way the industry has been viewed.

Customer behavior has also witnessed drastic changes. Even though the restrictions put in place and the effects of COVID-19 are receding, they are unlikely to influence today’s customer behavior. As per a 2021 report from McKinsey, around 30%-40% of the US customers have changed their brands and intend to continue these new shopping habits. Keeping up with this continuously changing behavior of customers, just striving for bare minimum initiatives towards innovation is not sufficient.

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Brands need to go extra length; they should adopt a drastic approach towards innovation. They should empower their marketing teams to fundamentally transform their B2B marketing. Meaning, instead of simply developing on previously existing processes as digital, they should reimagine their digital customer experiences.

Here are a few steps that can help B2B marketers to adopt a radical approach towards innovation. These will enable them to successfully retain as well as win customers in today’s dynamic marketplace:

Keep the brand consistent across various channels

The COVID–19 demanded brands rethink their entire customer journey. This has resulted in physical and digital experiences becoming more connected than ever before. It has led customers to expect a consistent message and appearance across all their touch points. But, many brands still neglect this and fail to prioritize the consistency of their brand across various platforms.

Without solid brand governance, the customer loses their confidence in the brand as their journey continues to become frustrating and confusing. B2B brands should ensure different business models, teams, and regions deliver a unified message that is critical for successful B2B marketing.

Strengthen the relationship with different departments

Innovation cannot take in silos. It requires organizations to leverage their current technologies and capabilities in novel ways. This will allow them to create additional opportunities across the organization. Therefore, when considering a radical approach towards B2B marketing, setting the latest trends while maximizing the value of marketing efforts, B2B marketers must form strong ties.

They should closely work with the IT and sales team. This will allow B2B marketers to have their say about which technology to use for building customer experiences. It will empower them to iterate and improve the CX to positively impact customer experiences.

Eliminate hurdles for publishing content 

B2B marketers across the industry have to rely on developers or a publishing team for content publication. This often results in content that does not align with the B2B marketers.

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Organizations can empower their B2B marketers to curate and publish content using low-code or no-code tools. This will accelerate the content creation process of B2B while helping to push new experiences to the marketplace at a rapid pace.

Brands need to create a sustainable content pipeline that fully understands their customers while helping them to accomplish their tasks.

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