Big Data Analytics and How it Can Be Leveraged Into Content Marketing

    Big Data, Science, Analytics, Content Marketing

    As content becomes an important marketing tool, Big Data and Analytics is now influencing  the art of writing to get the best results

    Content marketing is gone beyond being a ‘trend’ to being a strategy or marketing plan by every company globally. Content marketing budgets are expected to reach $412 billion by 2021. B2B companies are expecting higher ROI from content marketing, and big data analytics is leveraged to write content that is being read more and generates revenue too.

    By leveraging Big Data analytics, enterprises can segment prospects intelligently, customize each interaction, and the entire journey of the client and accordingly optimize marketing budgets to maximize impact.

    Marketers are analyzing audience interests using tools like Google Analytics and are being able to monitoring user behavior. With data of the total number of visits to what content and the reading timings to the type of device being read on are all being analyzed. This data is being used to correctly program the editorial calendar, which then guides the creation and distribution of every publication.

    Investments in big data have also drastically increased. The global market value of Big Data from $13.5 billion in 2017, has grown to reach $18,200 billion in 2018.

    With big data analytics on content publications, B2B companies zero in on highly informed target audience to ensure that marketing investment does not get wasted on companies that are too small, are of different verticals or are in different locations. This focus on target companies can yield results that are tightly aligned with goals for sales.

    According to experts, in 2019, it is being realized that leveraging technologies like VR cannot impact as much as ideas derived from audience insights shared through simple features or Q&A articles.

    But all is not great with analytics in content marketing. Since there is a lot of money being spent, there is also an increase in frauds. According to data from AdPros, nearly 60% of banner ad traffic is fraudulent that includes impressions on fake websites or clicks by bots. There are also several faux influencers that have follower lists made up counterfeit engagements. Experts suggest marketers be aware of this and use third-party content marketing software’ that leverage big data to neutrally verify media properties that represent their true reach and that engagement is coming from real people.

    Experts suggest that while analyzing the data, marketers must not get stuck in the fraction of metrics. A focus on time spent on site, website traffic, bounce rate, etc. is essential, but it is equally important to notice the finer details that take the content strategy from being regular to great. Content Marketers should be able to capitalize on something new and exciting that is capturing the audience’s interest at the current time.

    Writing good content for B2B brands can be a challenge, but data can make it possible to have better insights on what the team must be covering. This helps in developing a content framework and strategy for every day, week, month, quarter, and year.

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    Meeta Ramnani
    As a Senior Editor with Ondot Media, Meeta has the onus of developing credible content after collating inputs and opinions from global leadership teams – on enterprise and marketing technologies. She creates articles, interviews, and blogs from inputs of global CXOs, and ensures each article meets the challenge of interesting content, very interestingly written. An avid bike rider, Meeta, is a postgraduate from Indian Institute of Journalism and New Media (IIJNM) Bangalore, where her specialization was Business Journalism. She carries four years of experience in mainstream print media where she worked as a correspondent with The Times Group and Sakal Media Group in Pune.