Benefits of Using AI in B2B Marketing Strategies

    Benefits of Using AI in B2B Marketing Strategies

    As AI comes front and center for enterprise technologies, it also makes its way into marketing stacks. The best possible revenue and growth driver will be AI in B2B marketing.

    The overarching goal of B2B demand marketing is to provide personalized, contextual experiences that significantly enhance customer experience and increase audience engagement.

    To achieve this, marketers must navigate third-party tools and use data-driven, valuable insights, multiple delivery channels, and more. AI will undoubtedly be indispensable for relevant content generation and data analysis.

    AI tools in B2B marketing can help generate content, design, automate, tune, and scale more efficient personalized experience delivery.

    However, these capabilities are not something that businesses will simply turn on. Marketers need to set up a process to leverage the best capabilities of AI for B2B marketing.

    There has already been a lot of discussion about governance and risk. However, in addition, building the AI-driven personalization machine necessitates extensive experimentation throughout the stages of marketing operations. It would include content planning, development, production, promotion, and delivery. 

    AI in B2B Marketing Strategies

    Here are some interesting statistics about how deeply AI has proliferated B2B marketing strategies , given in WEbfx blog 50+ Artificial Intelligence Statistics for Marketers in 2024 :

    $107 billionis the global market revenue forecast for AI in marketing in 2028. $1.25 billionis the worldwide chatbot market’s forecast size by 2025. 90% of marketersin 35 countries used AI tools to automate customer interactions. 88% of marketersworking with AI say that the technology has helped them personalize the customer journey across different channels. More than 80% of marketers worldwideintegrate some form of AI into their online marketing activities. 57% of B2B marketers in the U.S.used chatbots in their demand generation programs to understand their audience better. 55% of B2B marketers in the U.S.said they used chatbots to generate new leads.

    Clearly, the market is ripe and growing more receptive for AI tools in B2B marketing strategies.

    AI in Marketing for B2B Growth:

    Here are ways B2B marketers can use AI to provide excellent service while growing their business.

    1. Integrating Online and Offline Customer Data 

    Customers can purchase products and services offline and online. Every customer’s purchasing behavior is valuable to a business regardless of their preferred method.

    AI combines all customer data, online and offline, to create a 360-degree view of each client. It helps you better understand your customers and communicate with them. B2B businesses can use AI-based customer data platforms (CDPs).

    1. Customer segmentation

    Customer segmentation divides customers into groups based on their needs or other characteristics. However, manual segmentation can be a massive undertaking.

    AI can help to collate accurate and more targeted segmentation of customers and channels. These would be based on data like demographics, location, prior purchasing behavior, and buying persona.

    These guidelines would allow marketers to send tailored marketing content to a specific group of customers.

    AI-based customer segmentation tools include built-in customer segmentation dashboards. These have the ability to allow high degrees of personalization and study every aspect of the client segment. At the same time, it enables them to keep track of their activities.

    1. Identifying Convertible and Non-Convertible Leads

    It can be difficult to distinguish between new and recurring customers and convertible and non-convertible leads in B2B.

    AI-powered lead management tools can assist you with lead capture, management, database integration, lead nurturing, etc.

    Such tools enable you to identify a lead’s objective and determine which leads can be easily converted and which cannot.

    The process analyzes their previous purchasing patterns, social media activities, trends followed, online searches, and other factors.

    1. Customizing Content 

    Businesses worldwide use various types of written content to reach their target audiences. These content pieces could include blogs, case studies, testimonials, website pages, and social media posts.

    However, it is difficult to tailor content for clients without investing significant money in research, surveys, campaigns, etc.

    Many AI-powered tools can help plan and generate customized content for your customers. These would be accurately based on their needs, preferences, behavior, demographics, and other factors. This way, marketers can save time and focus on building relationships and converting leads.

    These tools can create email or PPC campaign texts, slogans, blogs, or articles. These articles would be completely marketing-focused- with headings and titles, product descriptions, and calls to action.

    They can ensure error-free content regarding structure, grammar, and other aspects.

    Also read: Engaging B2B Email Marketing Strategies

    The Power of Custom AI

    AI can be layered to produce even better results than a basic tool.

    B2B marketers can collaborate with content partners to create custom AI based on specific requirements. These can also be applied alongside commonly available AI tools.

    For example, a CDP may be limited to analyzing and segmenting an audience. In contrast, a custom model may bring in data from many more sources and provide more nuanced segmentation.

    A custom AI algorithm can also analyze customer profiles and behavior data, such as recent website activity, to determine the most important customer characteristics.

    This would assist B2B marketers in developing a better ideal customer profile, prioritizing media spending on specific segments, and prioritizing sales activity.

    Custom AI can provide better insight throughout the customer life cycle by revealing insights such as intent, allowing marketers to reach prospects and customers at the right time with the right message.

    Individual tools may have embedded AI capabilities but provide a limited view of the overall marketing picture. A custom AI model can examine all activities and touchpoints between prospects and customers to identify everything from improved cadences to top-performing channels, content, and offers.


    Today, marketers and sellers adopt generative AI’s rapid repackaging and reuse capabilities. B2B buyers must sift through even more vendor content to meet this paradigm.

    AI is inherently flexible and can work with the data that a marketer currently has. Of course, AI can save time by automating tasks or quickly producing content or insights, but it should also be viewed as a secret weapon.

    B2B marketers can benefit in small ways, even without centralized data or integrated marketing technology. They can analyze results for a single channel or current customers, who often have the most complete profiles. Even in its limited capacity, AI can add value.

    While everyone now has access to some level of AI, the marketer who is the most strategic about where and how to use it will make the most progress.

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    Swapnil Mishra
    Swapnil Mishra is a global news correspondent at TalkCMO, with over six years of experience in the field. Specializing in marketing technologies, Swapnil has established herself as a trusted voice in the industry. Having collaborated with various media outlets, she has honed her skills in content strategy, executive leadership, business strategy, industry insights, best practices, and thought leadership. As a journalism graduate, Swapnil possesses a keen eye for editorial detail and a mastery of language, enabling her to deliver compelling and informative news stories. She has a keen eye for detail and a knack for breaking down complex technical concepts into easy-to-understand language.