Barriers to Delivering a Top-Notch B2B Customer Experience (CX)

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B2B enterprises need to consider offering top-notch customer experiences as one of their priorities to ensure scalability.

As consumer expectations evolve and competition rises, B2B buyers today have stringent workflows and policies set to control their purchase process. B2B enterprises need to deliver a top-notch customer experience to stay ahead of the competition and create a loyal customer base. According to a recent report published by Pedowitz Group titled “The RevOps Difference,” nearly 46% of the survey respondents considered communication gaps between teams as a top barrier to delivering an exceptional CX. CMOs should consider implementing effective presales strategies and advanced marketing tech stack to enhance the B2B buying journeys.

Here are a few barriers that CMOs should consider while developing their marketing strategies to deliver an exceptional B2B customer experience:

Also Read: Rethinking B2B Customer Experience in a Post-Pandemic Landscape

Ineffective performance metrics and incentive structure

Usually, RevOps teams of B2B enterprises divide their targets based on the stages in their customer journey. Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) is one of the most commonly used metrics to determine the performance of the marketing teams. After generating substantial MQLs, the sales team starts focusing on generating appointments and closing deals. The customer success team then focuses on generating repetitive and referral business. If presales, sales, and aftersales teams work in siloes with each other will increase the gap and result in a poor CX. Business decision-makers should consider designing joint incentive programs to align all the teams to deliver a top-notch B2B customer experience. Because lack of a joint incentive structure, the marketing, sales, and customer support teams will work to achieve their individual goals, which can hamper the CX. Teams working in siloes might result in a disconnected customer experience. Gaps in the organizational structure will hamper customer interactions. CMOs should consider assigning customer experience ownership at micro levels to establish a positive brand image.

Also Read: Five B2B Customer Experience Trends in a Post-Pandemic World

Less visibility into the customer accounts

Only implementing joint incentive structures throughout the RevOps teams and developing a robust MarTech stack will not be able to improve the B2B customer experience. A recent report by Gartner suggests that approximately 86% of B2B customers expect organizations to be more educated about their personal information while servicing interactions.

Many enterprises find it difficult to get required visibility into the client accounts because of limited customer intelligence capabilities. It is crucial to have personalized interactions with clients and prospects to deliver an enhanced B2B customer experience. Integrating an advanced Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) into the MarTech stack will help all the teams to get more visibility into the customer accounts. Moreover, CRM tools with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will enable enterprises to spot the patterns in customer interactions to understand their need in more detail.

Disoriented presales, sales, and customer success teams

RevOps teams need to have efficient workflows set to scale the business with higher ROI and deliver an exceptional customer experience. It will be challenging for the businesses to improve their client relationships if the teams are split physically. CMOs can develop agile B2B marketing and customer-centric teams to develop personalized relationships with clients. Evaluate the entire customer journey to identify the touch points that hamper the overall CX. It is crucial to train the RevOps team with ways to optimize the customer journeys to deliver and improve the overall B2B customer experience.

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