Four Major B2B Marketing Trends to Anticipate in 2024

    Four Major B2B Marketing Trends to Anticipate in 2024

    Heading into 2024, AI-driven personalization will continue to lead and influence marketing strategies as marketers vie for the attention of more targeted audiences.

    Here are the trends leading the charge in 2024:

    1. Increase in Use of AI Tools

    ChatGPT, Generative AI, and other constantly developing AI tools will be more integrated for marketing purposes in 2024.

    With the emerging use of these tools, digital marketing activities will be more targeted and customized to boost conversions.

    Here are some of the top AI-driven innovations for marketers going forward:

    • Hyper-personalization: Personalization will be a step ahead by integrating AI tools.

    Whether it is campaigns, ads, blog content, social media, or emails, AI will boost hyper-personalization that will cater to individual customers.

    As AI tools analyze vast amounts of data faster, personalizing these marketing efforts will be easy, faster, and more accurate.

    Product recommendations and services will be fully customized, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

    • Voice search:

    Voice search integration is getting all the attention of potential and existing customers.

    In 2024, the use of it will increase due to its quick access, faster result delivery, ease of use, and more.

    Demand Sage’s Voice Search Statistics For 2024 report .

    Demand-Sages-Voice-Search-Statistics-For-2024-reportThere will be increased use of voice search tools in the coming years.

    The market for voice recognition is expected to reach USD 56.07 billion by 2030, says Speech and Voice Recognition Market to be Worth USD 56.07 Billion by 2030 as reported by Meticulous Research.

    The report also highlights that there will be 8 billion voice-enabled digital assistants by 2030. Digital assistants have made it easier for users to find information and purchase using voice search technology.

    This trend will further boost marketers to use voice search tools to optimize websites, mobile apps, and search-ability.

    This AI tool will further be beneficial in conducting SEO activities.

    However, marketers must adapt trending keyword strategies, like long-tail, search-driven, and user-generated keywords, to integrate with conversational queries.

    They will provide voice-activated content solutions efficiently.

    Also Read: Voice Search Optimization: The Future of Search


    Companies will look for industry-best practice process models like robotic process automation (RPA) to simplify complex workflow and drive more data-based decisions.

    These models will increase the efficiency and intelligence of marketing processes that work beyond paperwork and Excel sheets.

    From data functions and customer profiling to providing analytics and monitoring of marketing activities—all will be more efficient, reliable, fast, and accurate with this AI-based platform.

    2. Content Development with Insights

    This shift in B2B content creation will be key to successful digital marketing in 2024.

    To align with the current search abilities on Google, content must have insights, research, and relevant information that makes it unique from competitors.

    So, to develop such content, marketers will have to update their CRM tools to get accurate customer data to get information regarding their content consumption patterns.

    Based on this, content creation will be easy and target-oriented. Apart from this, marketers will have to use AI-based applications to automate the development and delivery of content.

    This will be useful to drive greater consistency and productivity and reduce content development outsourcing.

    Put simply, in 2024, brands will need to refer subject matter experts for insights that will differentiate content from the rest of the SERP.

    3. Digital marketing will Depend More on Google’s Instability

    Google made a lot of updates in 2023. It rolls out updates every month.

    SEO has had a major impact on content generation due to Google’s prolific changes.

    The latest report on Google Search Statistics by Internet Live Stats, 2022, shows that Google processes over 99,000 searches every single second. It makes more than 8.5 billion searches a day!

    Based on this stat, Google will improve SEO for the coming years, impacting digital marketing assertively if done strategically.

    In 2024, Google will change its UI, causing major changes in searchability. Google brings Project Magi—a new type of AI-based search engine.

    Google Project Magi will introduce a new SGE (Search Generative Experience)!

    Its features include:

    – Chat-like interface:

    Google search is more like a conversation. Upon searching, the results are AI-generated with details and websites provided alongside.

    This new search ability is more relevant and accurate, targeted to a user’s intent.

    –  Visibility:

    For marketers, putting targeted ads on the new Google search interface will be easy and boost visibility.

    Keywords will play a crucial role here to drive ads among audiences. This also offers opportunities for more clicks, and brands can better spend on ads to gain revenue.

    –  AI-driven content:

    This feature has been developed to remove poor search results. Such content will appear as a snapshot containing detailed information in the same place.

    –  Voice Search and Natural Language Processing:

    Project Google Magi brings significant advancements in natural language processing.

    It aims to improve Google’s understanding of voice queries and provide accurate search results.

    So, to make digital marketing more competitive and better in 2024, marketers will need to focus on Google’s updates for SEO.

    This will also compel companies to invest in more SEO platforms and use GenAI to boost Search Generative Experience.

    Also Read: Top Four Digital Marketing Trends for 2024

    4. The AR/VR Experience

    The use of augmented reality in digital marketing can be useful to boost brand messaging in 2024.

    With the help of virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), brands can host virtual events and product launches. They can develop interactive experiences to engage more customers and deliver solutions directly.

    The interesting part of this digital marketing trend is the creation of digital avatars. They are more customer-centric and highly useful for brands doing influencer marketing.

    Metaverse is a fun new tool that companies are still experimenting with. Here are some ways marketers can use Metaverse as:

    – Create a 3D experience

    – Tailor campaigns

    – Boost collaborations with businesses

    – Personalize product launches


    Awareness of these B2B digital marketing trends for 2024 will keep marketing leaders ahead of the competition. As technology innovations hit the market, competition to adopt them will also increase. Leaders would do well to be armed and informed to make the required adjustments within the least possible time gap.

    The speed of course correction will define the winner in 2024.

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    Anushree Bhattacharya
    Anushree Bhattacharya is a Senior Editor with TalkCMO, where she covers stories on B2B business strategies and digital marketing. She is a quality-oriented professional writer with eight years of experience. She has been curating content for the B2B marketing industry, and her writing style is inclined toward how businesses want to perceive information about emerging digital transformations in the marketing landscape with latest developments. Anushree blends the best information on trending digital transformations, technology-driven stories, and SEO-optimized content. Anushree is proficient in curating information-driven stories about marketing for TalkCMO publications.