B2B Marketing Strategy Using a Multi-Channel Approach

B2B Marketing Strategy Using a Multi-Channel Approach

Customer loyalty is built on the foundation of a positive customer experience. The winning point goes to a customer experience strategy that perfectly combines the real and online worlds. That’s only possible because customers spend their time on multiple channels.

Today’s B2B marketing organizations have access to so many marketing strategies and platforms that it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Although it may be challenging to comprehend how numerous diverse strategies can work together to create a unified online presence at first, multi-channel marketing provides substantial organizational benefits.

When building effective multi-channel B2B campaigns, marketers should always keep the following best practices in mind.

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Follow users and their activities across all platforms

According to Harvard Business Review, approximately 75% of shoppers contact their preferred store across various platforms. Businesses must first gather all data on these individuals and their cross-channel behaviors and activities in order to create a consistent and relevant experience for them across all channels.

According to the 2020 State of Multichannel Marketing report, 51% of businesses today communicate and connect with their clients over at least eight channels. Only 9% of marketers, on the other hand, can consistently engage their audience across media.

Most marketers fail at cross-channel engagement because they are unable to track their users and their activities properly. People nowadays disable cookies and refuse to fill out forms. So, how can marketers obtain the data they require?

Two sophisticated methods that have helped marketers address the ‘user tracking’ problem are progressive profiling and browser fingerprinting. Marketers can employ browser fingerprinting to monitor something as complex as user identities, activities, and behavior even when they switch browsers.

Progressive profiling, on the other hand, allows marketers to persuade customers to share their information without being put off by the length of the form.

Make the most of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform

Technology is at the heart of multi-channel marketing. Marketers will achieve greater outcomes if they employ better technology to conduct their multi-channel initiatives. Marketers may saturate several channels with content every day, but if they don’t tailor their campaign to the correct demographic, it’s a complete waste of time.

According to Invesp, 11% of marketers say that properly executing multi-channel initiatives is tough. In contrast, 45% of customers believe multi-channel experiences are not delivered quickly enough, while 21% of marketers acknowledge they don’t understand how to create a multi-channel experience. With a competent CRM platform in place, all of these areas where marketers may be lacking are successfully addressed.

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Define the emphasis of the channel

While it is critical for companies to be present on all channels, contrary to common opinion, multi-channel does not imply being present in all of them at the same time. For example, while social media is beneficial to businesses, not all social networks are equally viable.

While most consumers are enthralled by mobile marketing, they should consider their own target demographic. Do they truly want to receive marketing text messages? They must also restrict their multi-channel campaign, or else their time and money will be squandered. With all of their campaigns, marketers must be self-aware. They should attempt experimenting with various channels to determine how successful they are and how strategic they are with their consumer base. It is best to start with a small and simple campaign and expand from there.

Create multi-channel drip programs that are automated

Drip campaigns, like dynamic remarketing, are focused on certain timelines or user activities ( behavioral triggers). Drip programs efficiently engage customers as they go from one purchase step to the next, bringing them closer to conversion. Relevant (behavior-based) emails have an 18% higher conversion rate than broadcast emails, according to a study by Aritic. Drip campaigns, on the other hand, are only as effective as the client list segmentation.

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