B2B Consumers Demand that Estimations of Their Needs, be Better Addressed by Brands

B2B marketing leaders are required to run marketing campaigns with revenue centricity by proper plans while optimizing the marketing activities with the help of modern, easy-to-use solutions – which are built to connect revenue goals alongside the marketing actions

To ensure they are resonating with the B2B consumers, marketing leaders continue to fine-tuning their strategies constantly. However, recent research found that a more detailed discovery of buyers’ wants, concerns, and needs, could be the answer to their plans.

This could be resolved if marketers support buyers on how to resolve the significant pain points. The RAIN Group has published the data from a survey of B2B consumers as well as sellers spanning the Americas, APAC, and EMEA.

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The primary objective of this research was to understand why and how B2B Consumers make purchase decisions. As per the statistics, marketers addressing their concerns, evolving needs, and wants is the highest influence on the purchase decisions – (71%).

This impact point was followed by marketing professionals showing consumers what is possible or how to solve a dilemma (68%), as well as listening to the pain points of customers (68%). The researchers noted nearly 50% of modern buyers say that a marketer’s ability to set themselves apart from the competition has a major impact on their buying decisions.

However, only 21% of online sellers are effective at doing this. And thus, another important aspect gets highlighted which the marketers may want to advance upon in order to resonate with the B2B consumers.  While the market ecosystem looks to improve the way they reach out to their consumers, obstacles persist and mostly around the budget.

Another study from Fortella titled, “State of B2B Marketing 2021” indicated several B2B marketing challenges. These are primarily budget and resources (64%), followed by tracking/measurement (46%), quality of data (42%), talent/team (36%), and sales and marketing alignment (33%).

Earlier, most marketers have tried to progress in this area in order to heighten their company’s overall bottom line. In fact, the top-performing marketers are almost 31% more likely to cite “data quality” as a critical challenge in this digital era.

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As mentioned in the report, “It takes a lot of technology tools to be a successful marketer in 2021, and the average marketing team uses at least 5 – 6 digital marketing tools in their tech stack. Top-performing marketers are 77% more likely to use a CDP and 33% more likely to use video platforms.”

Unsurprisingly, the B2B sales cycles are usually long and include multiple buyers and decision-makers. It also requires different strategies for different business segments, along with buyer personas. Brands can cut through the noise by replacing clunky tools and spreadsheets with advanced apps and martech tools

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