B2B Companies Will Take On B2B Data-Driven Marketing Methods by 2025

In order to drive more revenue, B2B leaders hope to transition into a data-driven marketing business approach soon, claims Gartner.

Consumer behavior has become more unpredictable than ever in the ongoing global pandemic. As a result, CMOs across industries prioritize adaptive systems on the basis of advanced technologies to keep up and drive B2B revenue amid the economic downturn.

AI, digital scalability, and hyper-automation are on the sales leaders’ radar at the moment. A recent Gartner study revealed that about 60% of the B2B sales companies would shift from an experience, intuition-centric selling approach to a B2B data-driven marketing approach by the end of 2025.

Even marketers are planning to merge their applications, data, analytics, and system related to sales in a particular operational practice. This initiative is driven by the movement to a multi-experience selling process, where B2B buyers prefer to connect with the suppliers via digital and self-service channels.

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Here, the adaptive systems can facilitate professionals with the transactions, sales interactions, and scalability among buyers and sellers. The rapid surge of interactivity involving buyers and suppliers is likely to lead to more interdependence of people, processes, and technology.

This will render the traditional sales methodologies less reliable with time – which most of the sales organizations are not prepared for. Simply put, a compelling blend of complementary sets of business tools integrating functional and process silos can help in augmenting and automating the overall business processes.

Marketers consider automating the sales process steps that were analog-based before. They prefer moving interactions and transactions into digital commerce. With the business decision-makers allowing selling through various channels, they need to focus on investing in virtual selling and digital commerce channels.

Besides, re-thinking the present sales force deployment model is essential. Hence, Gartner suggests business leaders are required to consider a specific sales methodology –

  • Creating an advanced business and sales technology work plan
  • Lining up AI and automation-centric, proven B2B selling practices
  • Investing in new technology that invites newcomers and allows virtual selling

Also Read: Most B2B Enterprises Will Adopt a Data-Driven Marketing Approach by 2025

“Embracing this change means sales leaders must adopt the principles of hyper-automation – accept they have to meet customers where they already are and bring B2B digital commerce into the fold.” – Explains Tad Travis, Vice President Analyst at Gartner in the company post.

Clearly, it is essential to adapt to the buyers’ evolving behaviors and preferences while designing innovative sales models. This includes technology for better sales execution – for the upcoming market trends in 2021.

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