B2B Brand Sales Take a Hit Due to Incorrect Personalization

B2B Brand Sales Take a Hit Due to Incorrect Personalization

A large number of brands still use ‘recognize me’ type of personalization instead of the ‘help me’ form, resulting in a negative impact on commercial outcomes.

Nearly 90% of marketers say their customers expect an experience that’s personalized to them, as per a report from Evergage. They find it challenging to bridge the gap between one-size-fits-all marketing and exclusive one-to-one experiences. However, strategies are slowly changing as they realize that relevance is the most vital factor as well as the first step towards driving the business towards total personalization.

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Striking the right balance to deliver segmented messages at scale, without the need to follow invasive personalization tactics, is important for B2B marketers. Research firm Gartner says, there are two different options when it comes to personalization -‘recognize me’ and ‘help me’. The former personalization method uses data to showcase who the buyer is and what is important to them; meanwhile, the later uses data to make the buyer journey easier and faster.

In the case of ‘help me’ personalization, data is used to reassure prospects with proof-points and relieve their anxiety about the purchase. Furthermore, it also directs them to the right place to solve their specific problems thereby enabling users to reward them with exclusive offers.

The study ‘Maximize the Impact of Personalization’ says that ‘help me’ personalization delivered a 16% lift in commercial benefit, while there was a fall in the ‘recognize me’ personalization. This form of personalization has also proven to see a drop in bounce rate and an increase in the time spent on-site as well as conversions. B2B marketers are able to utilize the real-time reverse IP tracking technology to create instantly richer connections with prospects as they land.

A DemandGen report notes 71% of marketers believe a business website is the most influential touchpoint in terms of making decisions. Therefore, it should be used to make the prospect’s experience simpler and showcase businesses that have seen success with products or services. Understanding buyer personas, learning about their key buying challenges, and translating them into helpful online communications, is the key to benefiting from personalization.

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In the end, amplifying customer journey and building instantly deeper connections with real-time relevance is the most significant driver for smarter marketing strategies that hit the targets.