Automation and Artificial Intelligence could Impact Branding Negatively, says Bynder Study

    CMO, CEO, Branding, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, B2B Marketer, AI Bynder, Branding, Martech, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, B2B Marketer, AI, Statistics, Marketing, Business outlook, Andrew Hally, Analytics, Digital channels, Creativity, Digital era, U.S, UK, 2020 State of Branding Report
    Automation and Artificial Intelligence could Impact Branding Negatively, says Bynder Study

    The world is focused on tech-powered marketing in 2020, even as marketing trends are evolving and witnessing a significant shift in trends. However, a recent Bynder study has a different story to tell!

    A report by Bynder, titled “2020 State of Branding Report”, shows some highly conflicting and contradicting stats. It surveyed about 1,003 marketing and branding professionals from the U.S. and UK working in a range of industries and domains – focusing the biggest questions revolving around branding in this digital era.

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    The majority of marketers, nearly 77%, are already concerned about how automation and AI will affect branding moving forward. Out of the surveyed marketers, 56% think automation could affect brands by diminishing creativity, impacting differentiation, or reducing jobs. Another 23% confirmed that branding could not be automated. Only about a quarter of them opine that the implementation of AI and automation would benefit their branding.

    The report also shows that the martech industry is confident about future growth. Nearly 68% of marketers are planning to increase the number of technology solutions that they are using this year, while 10% are planning to scale back. As technology becomes a critical part of growth strategies, marketers are working on evolving and innovating, to keep up with the trends. For instance, about 21% of marketers found a skill gap, 20% with data overload, and 18% were overwhelmed with the available options.

    Andrew Hally, SVP of global marketing, Bynder, is reported to have said in a statement, “Marketing organizations readily adopted technology for analytics, digital channels and other functions that clearly benefit from automation…The challenge ahead is to harness emerging technologies like AI to maintain creative excellence while satisfying business demand for growing volumes and faster delivery.”

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    The current statistics might lead many B2B marketers to have second-thoughts while opting for advanced technology as it could impact creativity and branding. However, the use of AI is enhancing the marketing functionalities, which have the capacity to change the business outlook for enterprises.

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    Sudipta Choudhury
    Marketing professional with experience in B2B and MR industry. Skilled in Marketing, Strategy Making, Copywriting and Content Creation, Sales, and SEO with excellent Communication Efficiency. Holding dual master's degree focused on Marketing from IBS, Pune and ICFAI University.