Analytics – Most B2B Enterprises Observed Marketing Advances with Quality Data

    Analytics – Most B2B Enterprises Observed Marketing Advances with Quality Data

    A majority of the businesses find data quality investments enhance their sales and marketing process

    With the advancements of data and analytics, it has been smooth for businesses to target
    prospects and customers. And for B2B brands, the data utilization has remained handy for
    their success, claims the latest research study from Dun and Bradstreet. The company
    surveyed around 500 B2B marketing and sales decision-makers across the US, Canada, and the UK for its 7th Annual B2B Marketing Data Report. The report titled, “THE DICHOTOMY OF DATA” reveals the opportunity area for businesses in these unprecedented times.

    Nearly 73% of the surveyed respondents said that they had improved their investment in
    data quality and analytics. As per the study, B2B companies that had increased the
    investment in data quality, all (100%) experienced overall performance increase. Another
    94% of organizations noted that their marketing and sales performance has improved than

    Marketing Data Matters Much More than the Campaign Performance

    As mentioned by Michael Bird, President of Sales and Marketing at Dun & Bradstreet, in the report, “Companies haven’t connected the value quality data can bring to the more
    advanced marketing approaches necessary in today’s digital world, organizations need to
    move quickly beyond basic use cases to fully realize the value of their efforts.” All the
    companies that reduced the investment in data quality, each of them, found no improvement in their sales or marketing performance, and nearly 75% saw a decline in
    performance. Another 35% noticed an overall performance decline. For the rest of the year,
    about 18% of B2B companies expect to augment their investment in analytics and data
    usage. Around 75% of companies are projecting a surge in some business aspects; however, only 1% indicated that they expect their investment will go down.

    It is essential to understand that data is an equalizer – regardless of the business size,
    industry, or location – to sustain in this digital era. The quality of marketing and sales data is extremely important due to the company’s effectiveness (94%), sales or marketing effectiveness (93%), team’s effectiveness (93%), and campaign targeting (92%).

    As mentioned in the report, “When asked to rank the most important element of data
    quality, the overwhelming majority – at a rate of 2-to-1 against all other categories –
    indicated that data accuracy was most important. 68% ranked data accuracy as one of their top three choices. Other category choices were companies they care about, contacts they care about, consistent data structure, as well as current data and complete data…Overall, marketing is more likely than sales to say that data quality improved in the last year, at 77% vs. 68% respectively.”

    More than 70 Percent of Revenue Leaders Say Data Management is a High Priority, Yet a Major Gap Exists in What They’re Doing About It

    Still, many marketers are yet to leverage data to its full extent – however, most of them do
    agree about the value of data quality. The study shows that sales and marketing
    professionals consider that quality data can notably do well to their effectiveness. Nearly
    94% of those who increased investment agreed to the same, and surprisingly, about 80% of B2B organizations that have not, for some reasons, have also aligned!


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    Sudipta Choudhury
    Marketing professional with experience in B2B and MR industry. Skilled in Marketing, Strategy Making, Copywriting and Content Creation, Sales, and SEO with excellent Communication Efficiency. Holding dual master's degree focused on Marketing from IBS, Pune and ICFAI University.