AI’s impact on CX-based business functionalities

    AI’s impact on CX-based business functionalities

    Omnichannel customer service, customer and marketing engagement; all three CX based functionalities have increased their dependency on AI technology

    IT leaders are opting for AI implementation in the organizations despite the uncertainty stemming from COVID-19. AI tech has played a significant role in predicting customer needs and helping businesses to stay agile. The market research firm IDC recently stated in that AI spending has increased by 25% in 2020 as compared to 2019’s spending. Despite the current uncertain scenario stemming from the pandemic, demand for the Artificial Intelligence implementation has been steady as compared to other software.

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    IT leaders are working to find new platforms that can make sure productivity and succeed in the new reality, AI tech plays a critical role in the decision-making rounds. Finding patterns from large volumes of data and automating repetitive processes can help organizations to enhance remote work, advance patient care, better workforce analysis, and data processing.

    AI has a big impact on Customer Experience. The exponential increase in data has allowed B2B organizations to use the same with AI processing to better daily experiences for their customers.

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    To make sure the best experience for all customers, all business units like customer services, marketing, and sales must come together and work unanimously.

    Customer engagement and marketing

    As a CMO, it is crucial to demystify the sales experience for customers. The purchasing habits of customers have drastically changed during the pandemic, especially on the e-commerce platforms. The buying experience can be made easy by using AI to discover patterns, new insights, and activating customer information.

    Marketing leaders say that AI-based leads to nurture and merits can be implemented across the length of customer communications to boost segment standards as per readiness, engagement, and interest to make a decision. ROI of marketing measures will be boosted by these strategies, it increases the engagement relevance and resources. It has the power to deliver a significant impact in the shortest time.

    Execution of sales

    CMOs acknowledge that selling experience has become drastically complex, partly due
    to emerging digital platforms and the value of providing highly personalized customer experience each time. Customers are aware and require an amalgamation of services and products that satisfy their unique needs, which is present on the favored channel or platform and is within the desired price range.

    By integrating big data and AI in this process, CMOs can make the experience enjoyable and intelligent for the customers. ML and AI enable sales teams to transform into proactive decision-makers and not reactive, it helps to boost customer retention and acquisition.

    Omnichannel chatbots and customer service

    In a survey shared in, 67% of the customers expect to be able to directly message the businesses in the next 2 years. Market leaders need to create a bridge between human interaction and self-service to give the best customer experience possible. AI-based chatbots are valuable to boost cost-efficiency, handle select services like account management, invoice management, and order tracking.

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    Megana Natarajan
    Megana Natarajan is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She has experience in content creation and has previously created content for agriculture, travel, fashion, energy and markets. She has 3.9 years’ experience as a SAP consultant and is an Engineering graduate.