5 Critical LinkedIn Ads Metrics

    5 Critical LinkedIn Ads Metrics

    To effectively use LinkedIn ads, it’s important to understand and monitor key performance metrics. This article highlights five critical LinkedIn ad metrics that advertisers should consider to optimize their campaigns. This can help them in better engagement, lead generation, and return on investment (ROI).

    As per Statista’s report LinkedIn Advertising Revenue,

    • In 2022, LinkedIn generated 5.91 billion U.S. dollars in advertising revenue. • This figure is expected to reach 10.35 billion U.S. dollars by 2027. • The business platform is responsible for roughly 0.9 percent of the global ad revenue.

    By delving into these five key metrics, marketers can gain valuable insights into their campaign’s performance. These can help them make data-driven decisions to refine their advertising strategy.

    5 LinkedIn Ad Metrics to Consider

    LinkedIn Matched Audiences

    LinkedIn’s matched audience feature allows brands to get the ads in front of the right audience. This lets them see the impressions and ad engagements directly in the campaign manager.

    These insights help understand whether the content is reaching the target audience and whether it is resonating with them. LinkedIn also provides engagement ranging from low to high.
    With the Matched Audiences feature, brands can:

    • Upload a list of companies or contacts
    • Retarget member accounts that:
      • Visited a website’s page
      • engaged with the single image ad or, document ad, or viewed ad
      • Opened/ submitted the Lead Gen Form or a conversation or clicked on any conversation ad call-to-action (CTA)
      • Engaged with the brand page or responded to the LinkedIn Event

    Clicks on Job Titles

    Clicks on job titles helps to solve the issue of the right company and the wrong stakeholder.

    It allows marketers to target their ads based on job titles and professional interests. It also helps them to gain an understanding of the types of roles and industries that are of interest to LinkedIn users.

    It also helps them refine their audience targeting strategies, helping them reach their ads to a wider audience.

    It also helps marketers to understand which job titles get the most clicks. This allows them to tailor their ad copy and creative to resonate with specific professional segments. It increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

    Marketers can evaluate the performance of their campaigns by measuring click-through rates (CTR) and other relevant metrics. This helps them to make data driven decisions. 

    It also helps marketers conduct competitive analysis within their industry or niche. They can understand which job titles attract the most clicks for their competitors’ ads. It helps them to –

    • Identify trends
    • Benchmark performance,
    • Gain insights into the preferences and behaviors of their target audience

    By attracting clicks from qualified leads, advertisers can generate interest, capture leads, and nurture them through the sales funnel.

    Also read: Top Metrics to Measure Programmatic Advertising Results

    Impressions by job seniority

    Impressions by job seniority allow marketers to understand which segments of professionals engage with their ads the most.

    It also offers audience understanding. They can gain insights into the composition and distribution of LinkedIn users across different levels of seniority within organizations. It helps marketers understand professionals’ demographics, interests, and behaviors at various career stages.

    This, in turn, allows marketers to tailor their content to meet the preferences and interests of those specific segments. It includes creating thought leadership content for executive-level professionals or providing career development resources for entry-level employees.

    Lead Form Completion Rate

    The Lead Form Completion Rate calculates the percentage of users who fill out and submit a lead form after clicking on a LinkedIn ad. This metric is important for marketers as it gives an understanding of the usefulness of their advertising campaigns and the quality of leads generated.

    As per LinkedIn’s LGF Playbook report,

    The average LGF completion rate is 13%. If the form completion rate is less than 13%, but the CTR and engagement rates are high, it may indicate a disconnect between what's in the ad and the copy in the lead gen form.

    A high completion rate means that the ad and offer are relevant and engaging to the audience. This means that the leads are genuinely interested and ready to provide their contact information. It shows higher lead quality.

    A low completion rate may signal issues with ad creative, targeting, or offer display that need to be addressed. It also indicates that the leads are less qualified.

    Lead form completion rate also directly impacts the cost-per-lead (CPL) efficiency of advertising campaigns. A higher completion rate means that more leads are generated for the same advertising spend. This results in a lower CPL.

    Marketers can improve campaign ROI by optimizing lead form completion rates. It also helps them to maximize the value of their advertising budget.

    It’s an important part of the conversion funnel. An increase in completion rate means marketers can effectively move users through the conversion process. This helps them drive more conversions for their business objectives. It can be generating leads, driving sign-ups, or promoting sales.

    Marketers can then understand trends and patterns in completion rates over time. This helps them identify tactics and best practices to replicate in future campaigns.

    They can also use A/B testing and experimentation to optimize lead form completion rates. This process also helps to improve campaign performance on a continuous basis.

    Conversions on Desktop vs. mobile

    Understanding the difference in conversion rates between desktop and mobile platforms is important for tailoring advertising strategies. Ads should be tailored to fit the platform most frequently used by the target audience. Only then is their effectiveness maximized.

    Marketers may see a substantial difference between desktop and mobile conversion rates when examining conversion data.

    For instance, if the team discovers that most conversions are happening on mobile devices. However, the ads were initially created with a desktop-first approach. This could mean a missed opportunity in ad optimization.

    Ads designed for desktops have different layouts, content, and interactive elements. These may suit larger screens, mouse navigation, and faster internet connections.

    Audiences can still view these ads on mobile devices. However, they might not provide the ideal user experience. There may be various challenges in seeing this desktop-first ad on mobile-

    • The text might be too small to read without zooming in.
    • Clickable segments might be too close together for accurate tapping.
    • The overall layout might require excessive scrolling.

    Alternatively, mobile-first ad design considers mobile devices’ constraints and advantages. This includes touch navigation, smaller screen sizes, and varying internet connection speeds.

    Mobile-optimized ads often have more prominent information that fits well on smaller screens. This includes more legible text and easily clickable elements.

    Hence, marketers must tailor ads according to the platform on which they are viewed for better performance.

    It means creating ads that look aesthetically pleasing on mobile devices and provide a user-friendly experience. This will help to boost engagement and, ultimately, conversion.

    Testing this approach requires redesigning existing ads with a mobile-first mindset. Then, compare the conversion rates before and after the redesign.

    This process helps determine whether tailoring ads specifically for mobile devices can improve conversion rates. If so, it can lead to a more effective advertising strategy that matches user behavior and preferences.


    Navigating the world of LinkedIn advertising needs a keen understanding of the platform’s unique metrics. It requires insights into how they can be used to measure and improve campaign performance.

    From using LinkedIn Matched Audiences for precise targeting to analyzing clicks on job titles and impressions by job seniority, each metric offers a window into the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

    By carefully monitoring these metrics, marketers can craft more engaging, relevant, and successful advertising campaigns. This will ensure the ads resonate with their target audience and drive meaningful results.

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    Swagata Ray
    Swagata Ray is a Content Writer at Ondot Media. She has done her master's in Mass Communication. Being from a creative background, she has a flair for tech and has worked as a journalist for a leading Indian newspaper (tech column). Swagata specializes in MarTech, Digital Customer Experience Technologies, CRM tools. Possessing a keen eye for research, her articles provide in-depth research content and easy-to-understand language. She is excited to delve deeper into the world of technology and gain a more comprehensive understanding of its intricacies.